Virtual Traveling Gavel

The Traveling Gavel is currently at Essex Toastmasters. Captured on Sep-19-2024.
Here are the rules if you would like to capture the gavel for your club.

1. Contact the host club. Current contact is Rebecca Simmons E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Get three members of your club to attend the meeting of the club that currenly has the gavel.
3. Particpate in the meeting.
4.Submit form with details about the meeting. Click Here to Submit Gavel Capture
5.Proudly display the virtual traveling gavel on your club website.

Contact Us
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We empower individuals to become more
effective communicators and leaders.
We build new clubs and support all clubs in
achieving excellence.
Toastmasters International club mission is to provide
a supportive and positive learning experience in which
members are empowered to develop communication
and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence
and personal growth.


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