We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
Passing of Antonio ‘Sir Toni’ Figueroa
It is with a heavy heart that we send this email. Our founding and longstanding club member of Jersey Toastmasters, Antonio ‘Sir Tony’ Figueroa, passed away in the morning of September 5, 2024.
He was a pillar of District 83 and has contributed in many ways to the Toastmasters community. He was Past District Governor of District 46, one year he was Toastmaster of the Year, he held the office of Region Advisor during 2013-2014 and he was awarded a Presidential Citation in 2018 from Toastmasters International, he served as District Parliamentarian in District 83 for several years and took care of the finance of District 46 as Finance Manager.
He supported several newly formed clubs, aided his fellow Toastmasters in their respective roles, gave his time as mentor and was always available to answer questions. His tireless commitment to help Toastmasters also gave him the nickname ‘Godfather’.
Tony was a true leader and inspiration for many. He will be thoroughly missed.
Website of the Riotto Funeral Home & Cremation Company:
Antonio Figueroa Obituary | September 5, 2024 | Riotto Funeral Home & Cremation Company - Jersey City, NJ (riottofh.com)