Club Spotlight: Rockland Toastmasters

Club: Rockland Toastmasters

Charter Date: May 5, 2011 (Formally Nyack Toastmasters)

Distinguished Awards: 2016-2017 Distinguished Club Award

Club Members In Their Own Words:

“I joined Toastmasters because I wanted to improve my public speaking skills and my confidence. I have found the members and leaders very friendly and welcoming for which I’m grateful!” – Isabel Ebrahimi

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Secrets to a Successful Toastmaster Year

How was your last Toastmasters year? Were you able to achieve the goals you set for yourself?

Let me give you some tips and tricks I used to achieve and exceed my goals which made a difference in my past year as a Toastmaster and gave me the opportunity to be one of the 6 speakers in the New York Spring Conference 2017 (Page 20).

    • Write down your goals and set dates to achieve them. Would we ever submit assignments if our teachers didn’t give us deadlines? Turn your inner critic to an inner coach and use the inner critic to guide you to keep to your promises to yourself.
    • Have a mentor/coach. It always helps to have a coach/mentor to guide you. All successful people constantly learn.
    • Visit other clubs and have maximum face time outside your club – get to know people and network with them in Toastmasters settings. The more doors you knock give you a better chance of having more doors being opened for you. Your potential is too big to be confined to your club alone.

Continue reading “Secrets to a Successful Toastmaster Year”

Meet the District Officers: Paula Markert


Su Brooks roasts Paula at the 2017 Hail and Farewell.

Name: Paula Markert

Position: Immediate Past District Director

Club(s): Open Door and GSK Speakeasy

Other positions: Almost everything, except PR and Treasurer.

Continue reading “Meet the District Officers: Paula Markert”

Why You Should Participate in Contests

Print out this flyer and hand it out at your next meeting!

When your Vice President of Education asks whether you want to participate in the club contest this August, resist the impulse to turn away. Instead, say “yes.”  You’ll thank yourself for doing it! I’ll tell you why you should participate in your club’s Table Topics and Tall Tales contests.  

Table Topics is tailor made for busy people. No speech preparation necessary. You are asked a question and you answer it in 1 to 2 minutes.  Simple, right?  The question is designed to be open ended, so every answer is the correct answer because it is just your opinion. The response needs to be at least one minute in length and no more than 2 minutes 30 seconds.  You can speak for a minute or use all your time. Every member in good standing is eligible to participate, whether they have 2 months experience as a Toastmaster or 2 years. By the way, “good standing” means the member has paid his or her dues. So what’s the catch?  

Continue reading “Why You Should Participate in Contests”

Meet the Newsletter Team: Jen Fredericks

Name: Jeanette (Jen) Fredericks, DTM

Position: District 83 Newsletter (The Voice) Co-Editor (2017-2018)

Club(s): Power Talkers Toastmasters

Other positions: Area 26 Governor (2014-15); District Conference Registration Chair (Fall 2016); District Conference Co-chair (Spring 2017)

How long have you been in Toastmasters? 13 years

What are your plans for the district/area/division?

To assist in bringing our members detailed reporting about district and club plans and activities that will enhance their opportunities to grow and meet their own personal and professional goals.

Continue reading “Meet the Newsletter Team: Jen Fredericks”

Club Spotlight: What Exit?

Club: What Exit? (5124091)

Charter Date: September 20, 2016

Recent Awards: For 2016-2017, What Exit? achieved a rare thing for a brand new club, we became a Select Distinguished Club in less than a year of being chartered!

Club members in their own words:

“Swathi (Karamcheti) and I founded the club because we realized that as involved as we both were, we didn’t share a club and we thought that was a shame. Very soon, our club, meeting on Saturday afternoons, was drawing people from Bergen County to Monmouth County and we knew were were onto something.”-Susan Chrusciel

Continue reading “Club Spotlight: What Exit?”

Comment, Like, and Share

The key thing to remember about social media is that it is SOCIAL. You can post whatever you want, but if no one comments, likes, or shares your content, you might as well be an old man screaming at a cloud. Without interaction from your followers, your content will fall into the Internet’s abyss and no one will see it. Newer content has a chance, but popular content reigns supreme.

Charlotte demonstrates the importance of social media.

Newer content survives by creating reactions. The reactions don’t have to be positive for content to survive. Often, the negative generates more feedback than inspirational stories. This is why your newsfeeds are constantly filled with people complaining about celebrities, politicians they hate, and whatever angered them at that moment. However, you also see stories about people miraculously surviving against all odds, succeeding in losing weight, and cute cats. A LOT of cute cats, this is the Internet after all.

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Meet the District Officers: Tom Somers

Name: Thomas Somers

Position: Webmaster

Club(s): Old Bridge Toastmasters, Jim Friend Toastmasters, and ACES

Other positions: Past District Governor

How long have you been in Toastmasters? 13 Years

What are your plans for the district? Maintain the district’s website to help promote district events and continue to develop the website so that it can be transferred to a future webmaster.

Continue reading “Meet the District Officers: Tom Somers”

Meet the Area Directors: Frank Schuck

Name: Frank Schuck  

Position: Area 61 Director

Club(s): AT&T Middletown, Red Bank Toastmasters, and Talk of Monmouth

Other positions: Education Vice President of Talk of Monmouth and former Sergeant at Arms at AT&T Middletown.

How long have you been in Toastmasters? Four years currently and two years in the late 70s.

What are your plans for Area 61?

As Area 61 Director I plan to encourage greater participation of members and clubs. Speech Contests, multi-club parties, the Blue Claws Baseball outing and conferences will help individuals grow and expand their Toastmaster’s Network. The goal of every Toastmaster should be to complete their CC and CL and then focus on completing the advanced manuals that suit their interests and personal development objectives. Letting members know that joining multiple clubs enhances the Toastmaster experience exponentially.

Continue reading “Meet the Area Directors: Frank Schuck”

Newsletter Spotlight: Talk of Monmouth

At the D83 Blog, we love hearing what our clubs are doing. One way clubs share their stories is through a club newsletter.

For the entire newsletter, please click here.

If you would like your newsletter featured on the District 83 blog, please email Allison Lips at