What I Learned from Apex Toastmasters, NC

Its not easy to have consistently practice a discipline, but some clubs are great at this mantra. While I was on vacation in Apex, North Carolina, I dropped into Apex Toastmasters. From the moment I stepped in to the room, I felt the energy of positivity and achievement. I can’t explain the energy in words, but I can surely share the observations that stuck in my mind after the meeting.

* Greet everyone like its the first time – No, not just the new members. Everyone greeted each other like they saw each other for the first time. Its safe to say that all members were emulating the role of a VPPR.


* Be on time – I am the first culprit as I didn’t practice this fully and completely to this very day in my club as a past club president. We were at least 5 seconds late. Apex Toastmasters started on time. When I say on time, I meant 7.15 pm sharp. The sergeant-at-arms did a marvelous job by saying… 3 minutes more, 2 minutes more, 1 minute more…lets take our seats.”


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Club Spotlight: Open Door Toastmasters (Part 2)

Arnold and I started Open Door Toastmasters in 2004.  Our club has been a President’s Distinguished Club in all but our first year when we achieved 7 of the 10 goals toward a Distinguished Club status.  All subsequent years we have been a President’s Distinguished Club. Our membership varies between 35 – 40 members.  We are a very friendly Club and guests are greeted and made to feel welcome.   I believe that this is our biggest asset.

We have generated several District Officers, including the 2016-17 District Director, Paula Markert. Open Door has been instrumental in getting 4 new clubs started. We meet the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month (except in Nov. and Dec. when it is best to check our website for meeting dates because of the Holidays) – Irene Card, DTM

My Toastmasters journey, like most, has twists and even zig-zags and the story of how I wound up at Open Door started years before I knew there was more than a single Toastmasters club, period.  I spent my first two years in a new club and nobody even understood what that CL manual was for.  Finding that resource was an eye opener for me, which led me to realizing there is a large community of clubs and Toastmasters available as resources.  Once I realized there was a well-defined path for a Toastmaster to follow, I started reaching out, going to conferences, attending contests, and even volunteering for district roles. 

The funny thing about momentum is it catches up to you even when you didn’t see it coming.  I jumped in with both feet and one of my first clubs I was an Area Governor for was Open Door and it was probably the first time I saw how a well-oiled machine a club could be.  The people were all so warm, caring and welcoming that after attending 6 meetings, and adn hosted 4 area contests in 21 months. I just had to join them as my second club.  I got more involved with the district (even hosting a conference First-Timers session), worked hard to complete my CL manual while continuing on my speech path and within 18 months completed my DTM because of the club and their supportive members.  Looking back, I couldn’t have planned this but the journey was part of the process and I still have fond memories of how I got here and great expectations of where it will lead me. – Stuart Kramer, DTM, Immediate Past President

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Mentoring Matters: An Interview with DTM Mark Grebenau

One of my mentors, DTM Mark Grebenau shared his story of continuous self-improvement, hope it serves as an inspiration for us all. Mentoring plays a significant role in Toastmasters as they help create the social glue that ensures we stick together. We set our educational and leadership goals and our mentors keep us accountable.

DTM Mark Grebenau is a Toastmaster with over 30 years’ experience. In the past, he has held several leadership positions including that of Area Governor and Division Governor. He has completed his 14th CC and will complete his 17th CC within this Toastmasters fiscal year (2017-2018). DTM Mark is a formidable orator whose creativity seems ceaseless. His speeches are meticulous, carefully sprinkled with humor and impactful. His evaluations are geared to help us grow in our speech craft.

TM Alton James, ACB, ALB award DTM Mark Grebenau his 14th CC pin.

Mark prepared me for my speech contests. The results were, my winning at the Club Level and at the Area (2015-2016). He has also helped me temper my goal driven nature with a deep sense of humility, as we are all volunteers try to become better. In our 2016-2017 term, for my HPL, he was willing to take on 6 new mentees from the Toastmasters at NJIT club. Even during a time of personal pain over losing his mom. Mark loves to give back. He loves to teach. This is what drives him and in turn motivates us.

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Club Spotlight: Open Door Toastmasters (Part 1)

Club: Open Door Toastmasters

Charter Date: June 29, 2004

The very first night I went to an Open Door Toastmasters meeting, I was pretty much hooked!   So many members went out of their way to say hello, ask my name and offer to answer any questions I had.  During that first meeting, I was so impressed at the way people were professional, cordial, and had so much positive feedback for one another.  I thought to myself  “ If only EVERY meeting I attended was this positive!”

I am proud of the way Open Door continues to grow, and I think it is the warm, welcoming attitude we all have that keeps newcomers coming back.  I am in my second term as a club officer, and am proud to be a part of our very special group. – Angela Bloshuk, Secretary, CC, CL

Over the past 5 years I’ve had an ever increasing opportunity to train, coach and speak to fellow employees as well as make presentations to local schools. This has awakened a desire to not only continue this course but to do all I can to share my experiences and knowledge gathered through my career. With this in mind I decided to join Toastmasters to help me improve and develop new skills and presentation techniques.

In searching for a local club to join, I found Open Door Toastmasters, a club that has received the Distinguished Club Award for each of their 10 years. After speaking with the club president and attending a few meetings I knew there was no need to look further. This would be my home.

Through constant reinforcement and encouragement I know I am well on my way to becoming a better speaker and presenter. The proof of this is that I have taken on a part time role as a hospitality instructor and in a few months I will be presenting a speech to a professional networking group on “How to Become a Better Speaker”. Thank you Toastmasters! – Steve DiGioia, CC

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The Results of Officer Training Round 1: Is Your Team Fully Trained?

Between June 24 and August 31, District 83 conducted seventeen Officer Trainings. In total, approximately 640 officers out of 1,148, or around 56% of officers, have been trained in Round 1 for the current Toastmaster year.

Now, that total may be off. The total is based on all clubs having seven officers, but that is not necessarily true. Some clubs do not have seven officers. This could be good news because our results may be even greater than what I have presented at this time. On the other hand, when I say approximately 640 officers were trained, it is possible that some of our officers have been trained out of our District and the data has not been passed to our District yet or that some forms were not completed in a way that allows our district to identify club and officer’s position.

Officer Training is a determining factor in achieving your club success plan and meeting all your goals in the Distinguished Club Program. With that said, this is the time to review your club’s current Officer Training status. Please go to Toastmasters International Club Performance Reports for District 83 and check on the records for your club. If you find that you have not received all your officer’s trained numbers, please email me to identify who is missing in your club and then research to give your club the credit.

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Meet the Area Directors: Paul Ireifej

Name: Paul Ireifej

Position: Area 62 Director

Club(s): AT&T Middletown Toastmasters

What are your plans for the district/area/division?

I have three priorities for Area 62. First, I want to improve club climate in all of my clubs. Club climate determines if guests become members and if members are retained and developed. Club climate has to do with the learning environment provided by your club and member interactions. Second, I want to promote participation in club contests. Contests are a great way to sharpen your speaking abilities and delivered a practiced, polished speech that you don’t normally prepare when working through the standard manuals. Also it exposes you to delivering a speech in front of new audience members (if you get to area, division and district levels). Third, I want to focus on goal setting and planning to achieve Distinguished club status. If you plan ahead and set yourself up for success, your club can be distinguished. 

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Reasons to Join Talk of Monmouth

Every Toastmasters club is unique. For community clubs, anyone can join. Whereas, corporate clubs typically require a member to work for the company. Advanced clubs up their game by only allowing members, who have completed 10 speeches. (Some clubs like Northern Stars allow members to join after their 6th speech.)

At Talk of Monmouth, we have many experienced members, who can mentor you on achieving your leadership goals. Currently, Talk of Monmouth has one District officers, three Division Directors, one Area Director, and several past District, Division, and Area officers.

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Toastmasters Make Friends of All Ages

Goals bond people.

Writing in the fourth century B.C. Greek philosopher Aristotle took up the subject of friendship in what is arguably his most famous work, the

Nicomachean Ehtics. Aristotle, a thinker sometimes cited as the master of them that know, liked to identify categories for things in life. He was an empirical, analytical genius, and polymath who contributed to the development of the process we know as the scientific method and is credited with establishing our classification system for the members of the Animal Kingdom; e.g., species, genus, phylum, etc. The philosopher brought this same powerful thoughtfulness to his examination of human relationships. To paraphrase one of Aristotle’s notes (or perhaps one of his student’s), the philosopher described the highest level of friendship as the relationship between individuals who share an appreciations for beautiful, worthy things.

Club Spotlight: Germinators

Club: Germinators (00927494)

Charter Date: June 27, 2006

Recent Awards: President’s Distinguished – Perfect 10 (DCP Points), Distinguished Toastmasters, 3 Triple Crowns, and more!

Club members in their own words:

“Being a part of the Germinators has opened my eyes to how a passionate group of people can work together to lift each other up and outperform as a team. My favorite part of being in the club is when an international colleague says, ‘Hey, aren’t you one of those Toastmasters?’ It brings me so much joy to get e-mails from all over the global organization asking what we do and how they can be a part of this thriving community.” – Danielle Mazza, ACB, ALB

“Before I joined the Germinators, I thought I was a decent public speaker. I quickly realized that Toastmasters is a lot more than a public speaking club. Germinators has taught me so much about leadership through my roles as VPE and now President of the club. I even had the opportunity to compete in a speech contest at division level last fall” – Sabrina Behnke, CC, ALB

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